If a title contains formatting commands, how can we hook in \MakeSentenceCase to ensure correct casing and, say, nesting of quotation marks? The example below doesn't work; the quotes are properly nested, but "Quotation Marks" is still title case. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fo...
Aside from knowing the parts of a sentence, you also have to follow the grammar rules. In case you forget, here’s a quick list: Capitalize the first letterof the first word in a sentence. End a sentence witha peri...
Complex Sentences: In this article, you will be introduced to complex sentences. You will learn their meaning, definition and how they are used. You can also check out the examples given in the article.
If you don’t have the time to master all these “sub-rules,” you can utilize our punctuation within a sentence checker to properly deploy quotation marks in your writing. Use our sentence punctuation checker today to reach your highest-possible writing potential.Privacy...
To introduce a quotation or a statement in direct dialog, which is or could be in quotation marks; To connect a phrase that is not a complete sentence and serves as an introduction with an independent clause that could stand as a separate sentance; To introduce an example. Between chapter ...
I have some confusion in understanding this statement. Are the words which are enclosed in quotation marks showing irony? Or is it just that the quoted words (by the source) are being quoted again by the author? Or is it that the author doesn't have the same opinion as did the source...
I put "refer" in quotation marks because the word implies that the object comes into view apart from whatever is said about it. 我在“所指”加了引号是因为这个单词暗示的对象进入了视野,不管它说了什么。 That implication is wrong. 那种含义是错的。 You can say what France is like from a cul...
Capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence. End a sentence with a period, question mark, exclamation point, or quotation marks. Most of the time, the subject of the sentence comes first, the verb comes second, and the objects come last. (Subject -> Verb -> Object) ...
(The actual German quotation would have been pure maths, even less understandable to the community, so I decided to change it to something more clear.)In the middle of the sentence we see the German double quotation marks and an apostrophe....
Use acomma (,)to show a pause in the sentence, to make lists, or to separate thoughts. We usecommasvery often in sentences. Usequotation marks(“”)to quote a person or source (like a newspaper), or to show character dialogue.