Sentence meaning in Hindi: अदालत का फ़ैसला - Definition Synonyms at English to Hindi dictionary gives you the best and accurate Hindi translation and meanings of Sentence.
Hindi: वाक्य (hi) m (vākya) Hungarian: mondat (hu) Icelandic: setning (is) f Indonesian: kalimat (id) Interlingua: phrase (ia) Irish: abairt (ga) f Italian: frase (it) f Japanese: 文 (ja) (ぶん, bun), 文章 (ja) (ぶんしょう, bunshō)...
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free ...
With our Sentence Search application, you can access tens of thousands of sentence examples for the English word you have learned. · 50,000+ Sentence Examples and Translations Over 50,000 unique sentence examples await you to understand the correct usage of the word. Enter your word and instan...
With our Sentence Search application, you can access tens of thousands of sentence examples for the English word you have learned. · 50,000+ Sentence Examples and Translations Over 50,000 unique sentence examples await you to understand the correct usage of the word. Enter your word and instan...
This course is a step by step guide for learning simple, clear and correct Hindi。 It includes seven lessons which are designed specifically for English speaking people。 Comparisons are made between English and Hindi to explain concepts。 Each lesson builds on the previous lesson and no prior kn...
Q. What are types of dictionaries available on UrduPoint? UrduPoint has three distinct types of dictionaries. English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English Dictionary and Roman Urdu to English Dictionary. In addition, we also let you Translate into Hindi language....
The automated translation of question papers from English to Hindi is one such key area which requires suitable WSD techniques to resolve ambiguity in a question word. When machine translates question sentences, it faces ambiguity problem that results in ambiguous translation. Identification of question...
English Pronunciation Try to pronounce Meanings Wiki Sentence Translation News Comments Learn how to pronounce ZijinZijinRate the pronunciation difficulty of Zijin 3 /5 (15 votes) Very easy Easy Moderate Difficult Very difficult Pronunciation of Zijin with 6 audio pronunciations ...
This paper describes the ADAPT Centre’s submission to the Adap-MT 2020 AI Translation Shared Task for English-to-Hindi. The neural machine translation (NMT) systems that we built to translate AI domain texts are state-of-the-art Transformer models. In order to improve the translation quality...