Please note that in case of database dictionary, the maximum number of synonym is fixed at the time of the design of the database schema. 需要注意,对于基于数据库的dictionary,同义词的最大数量在数据库模式的设计阶段就已经确定。 16. 41kb Please note the database must be explicitly created ...
By the end of the century gender by itself was being used as a synonym of gender identity. Among those who study gender and sexuality, a clear delineation between sex and gender is typically prescribed, with sex as the preferred term for biological forms, and gender limited to its meanings ...
The meaning of ENVIRONMENT is the circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded : the factors and influences that affect the growth, health, progress, functioning, etc., of someone or something. How to use environment in a sentence. Me
Each synonym can be as long as is desired. 每个同义词都可以按照理想的大小保存。 7. 45kb Subsequent reactivation of the newly learned concepts during ensuing SWS could then help to consolidate the desired therapeutic effects for the long term. 之后,在慢波睡眠中持续重新激活新近学习的概念,可以...
The meaning of THROW is to propel through the air by a forward motion of the hand and arm. How to use throw in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Throw.
Examples of additional query options are Settings such as whether to return spelling Suggestions or to include synonym expansions in the query results. 附加查询选项的实例是一些设置,例如是否在查询结果中返回拼写建议或包含同义词扩展。 16. 29kb Static analysis can be either manual, like reviews, or...
The problem is that the "European social model" has become, too often, a synonym for a very expensive way of doing things. 现在的问题是欧洲的社会模式已经,至少太经常,变成了一种非常昂贵的生产模式的同义词。 11. 22kb The most successful social software starts out doing one task supremely ...
27. 42kb The jackrabbit-core component has been extended with new features like configurable indexing, synonym and similarity queries, and spell checking. jackrabbit - core组件扩展了一些新特性,比如配置索引、同义词和相形词查询以及拼写检查。有道...
1. 9kb Symmetry of markings is desired. 对称的斑纹比较理想。 2. 12kb Each synonym can be as long as is desired. 每个同义词都可以按照理想的大小保存。 3. 15kb Advanced education abroad is desired but not required. 国外教育背景优先但不要求。 4. 17kb Best solution if only one ...
For ease of use, we define a keyword synonym that displays the customer name, but stores only the number. 为使用方便,我们定义了一个关键字同义词,它显示客户名称,但是仅存储客户编号。 7. 27kb Taking risks is the only way employees can provide effective and efficient customer service. 只有承...