4. Visual Sensory Systems THE STIMULUS: LIGHT Brightness Hue THE RECEPTOR SYSTEM: THE EYEBALL AND THE OPTIC NERVE The Visual Receptor System Location Acuity Sensitivity Color sensitivity Adaptation Differential wavelength sensitivity SENSORY PROCESSING LIMITATIONS Contrast Sensitivity Contrast Sensitivity A perso...
InputstotheNervousSystem Oh,Iforgottomention… •apostsynapticmembraneintegratessynapticinputs –anerveimpulse(actionpotential)isall-or-none •membranedepolarizationmustreacha threshold –firingofanactionpotentialdependsonthesumof allincominginformation ...
••Systemisdividedintotwobasiccomponents:Systemisdividedintotwobasiccomponents: innerearinnerearlaterallinelateralline ••SensorySensoryhaircellshaircells--basicunit(sensoryapparatusbasicunit(sensoryapparatus)) Innerearstructure&functionInnerearstructure&function ••ParssuperiorParssuperior--semicircularsemi...
The sensory systemNociceptiv pain
Ascends in the anterolateral part, in close association with spinothalamic system. Primary afferents reach dorsal horn through dorsal roots and terminate on 2nd order neurons The cell bodies of 2nd order neuron lie in base of the dorsal horn. Axons of 2nd order neuron cross to opposite side, an...
Central sensitization, which involves the pain facilitatory system, can be assessed using the temporal summation (TS) test. This test evaluates the amplification of pain intensity in response to a repeated pain stimulus [48]. In patients with chronic pain syndromes, such as fibromyalgia, chronic ...
感觉传导通路tesensorypathways运动传导通路the.ppt,pathways of nervous system 1.感觉传导通路 the sensory pathways 2.运动传导通路 the motor pathways the sensory (ascending) pathways 视觉 vision 听觉 hearing 平衡觉 嗅觉 smell 味觉 taste 躯干四肢意识性本体觉d
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) Sensory Input感觉输入.ppt 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 下载提示 1、该文档为VIP文档,如果想要下载,成为VIP会员后,下载免费。 2、成为VIP后,下载本文档将扣除1次下载权益。下载后,不支持退款、换文档。如有疑问请联系我们。
SensoryFunctionofNervousSystem 一、脊髓与脑干的感觉功能 SensoryfunctionofSpinalcord&brainstem 感觉传导路由三级神经元组成:第Ⅰ级神经元:胞体位于脊髓后根神经节 或脑神经感觉神经节第Ⅱ级神经元:胞体位于脊髓后角细胞及 延髓薄束核、楔束核或脑干脑神经核第Ⅲ级神经元:胞体位于丘脑感觉接替核 (一)躯体感觉传入通路...
Sensory gating refers to an automatic process in the central nervous system that filters sensory information to prevent overstimulation of higher cortical areas. It is observed through a smaller response to the second stimulus compared to the first stimulus, and disruptions in sensory gating are assoc...