Constructing Our Way To Self Regulation Sign up now for the Summer Camp that best fits your child's needs! Find Your Summer Camp Explore Our Facility! We are excited to announce our recently expanded and remodeled space at Sensory Solutions! Come explore our newest gym and see where all the...
Discover engaging sensory play activities that stimulate development in children of all abilities. Explore sensory-rich learning experiences!
Interoception is responsible for understanding and feeling what is going on inside our bodies. Sensations such as hunger, thirst, bathroom needs, heart rate, breathing rate, temperature, and emotional regulation are all part of this system. 10 Interoception Activities for Kids There is not a lot ...
Our mission is to enhance your child’s participation in family life, extra curricular activities, social and school/home environments. We have the team and specialized pediatric equipment to help your child be their best and we are confident and committed to their success!
Practical Application:Integratevestibular activitiesby engaging children in activities such as spinning, swaying, balancing, or yoga poses, which not only boost balance and coordination but also promote focus and emotional regulation. #3: Exploring the Interoceptive System ...
Modern day merry-go-rounds attract kids of all ages and abilities. But why are kids so fascinated with spinning activities? Because it’s one of the core movements that engages the vestibular system. When a child twists and turns on playground spinners their brain receives signals to help cont...
Thank you so much for these activities. They have proven to me that I CAN be that mom that does cool and creative things with her kids! And those cool and creative things can actually be quite simple! What a revelation. Thank you!! - 7 Day Challenge, Katie M. I feel like a new ...
Self-Regulation and Mindfulness Activities for Sensory Processing Disorder. Creative Strategies to Help Children Focus and Remain CalmGiebels, MirjamErgotherapie & Rehabilitation
Grab some recycled bubble wrap and try our super easy shaving cream and bubble wrap sensory play, or give one of the other easy bubble wrap sensory activities a go with your kids! Do your kids LOVE messy sensory play? Do they love squishing their hands through something gooey and slippery...
It is with therapeutic intervention to reorganize and “rewire” the brain and nervous system that we will see the biggest changes in internal regulation. Specifically, each area of dysfunction will need to be addressed. One more thing... so far, treatment that has been most effective for ...