Convergence of multimodal sensory pathways to the mushroom body calyx in Drosophila melanogaster. Sci Rep. 2016;6:29481.Yagi, R., Mabuchi, Y., Mizunami, M., and Tanaka, N. K. (2016). Convergence of multimodal sensory pathways to the mushroom body calyx in Drosophila melanogaster. Sci. ...
point,becausethecerebral cortexoperatesona contralateral(oppositeside) basis.Thediscriminative touchsystemcrosseshigh level--inthemedulla.The painsystemcrosseslow level--inthespinalcord. TwomainAscendingpathwaysinthespinalcord:thedorsal(posterior)column (thefasciculusgracilisandfasciculuscuneatus)andthespinaothalamic...
Sensory pathways include only those routes which conduct information to the conscious cortex of the brain. However, we will use the term in its more loosely and commonly applied context to include input from all receptors, whether their signals reach the conscious level or not. GENERAL SOMATIC ...
TwomainAscendingpathwaysinthespinalcord:thedorsal(posterior)column(thefasciculusgracilisandfasciculuscuneatus)andthespinaothalamictracts.Twomaintractsystemsinthebrainstem:1.laterallemmiscus(Auditorypathway)2.trigeminallemmiscus(Thesuperficialanddeepsensorypathwayofheadandface)Thecentralvisualpathway ...
The central nervous andsensory systemsof elasmobranchs have been studied in some detail, especially with respect to three features: brain-mass to body-mass ratios; relativebrainarea development, particularly as it may involve sensory mediation of behavior; and identification ofneural pathwaysand cell gr...
processing sensory information, including the visual system, auditory system, olfactory system, somatosensory system, gustatory system and vestibular system. Sensory systems are composed of receptors that sense the sensory stimuli, brain areas involved in sensory perception and neural pathways that connect ...
A population of macrophages has been found in muscle spindles that release glutamate, activate primary sensory afferents that are part of the stretch reflex, and have a role in regulating locomotion. Sian Lewis Research Highlights16 Dec 2024Nature Reviews Neuroscience ...
Thus, reduced neural auditory responses during self-produced vocalizations may serve for protecting auditory pathways from over-stimulation while maintaining sensitivity to externally-produced stimuli. Maintaining sensory stability –in the visual domain, when we voluntarily move our eyes, the image on ...
phosphorylation cascades initiated by lysophosphatidic acid and tumor necrosis factor alpha The repeating segments constituting the rod domains of ABP-120 and ABP-280 may be crucial for the function of both proteins in specific signal transduction pathways by mediating interactions with regulatory proteins...
When falling upside-down, hoverflies trigger their wingbeats in order to rotate and regain the right-side up position within a short lapse of time (mean value: 48.8ms, see2). During the righting, hoverflies may produce the goal roll via three main sensory pathways: visual, leg ...