2025年美国国际传感器及电子元件展览会SensorsExpo & Conference2025 同期展会及会议 1. 传感器及电子元器件女性精英会议2. 同期展会:物联网实施方案论坛3. 汽车自动驾驶传感技术会议4. 嵌入式技术博览会 美国国际传感器及电子元件展览会SensorsConverge是北美规模大且zhuanye的传感器及技术展览会,迄今已有30多年的历史,每...
Sensors Expo & Conference 始于 37 年前,专注于传感器技术。多年来,它已经扩展和多样化,包括与传感器携手合作的电子技术和嵌入式系统,以及物联网、连接、自主、医疗等新兴应用领域。探索整个生态系统,从传感到处理再到分析和连接。 Sensors Expo是北美规模大且专业的传感器及技术展览会,迄今已有30多年的历史,每年六月...
Sensors Converge(前身为Sensor Expo &Conference)是北美地区Zui具影响力的传感器和传感技术展会之一,专注于展示各类传感器及其应用。展会为制造商、技术供应商、学术机构、研发人员以及xingyezhuanjia提供一个全球性的交流平台。通过汇聚全球传感器行业的lingxian企业和技术,SensorsConverge成为了推动传感器技术发展的重要阵地。每...
Location:San Jose, CA Event Type:Conference, Exhibition Visit website Event Overview The Sensors Expo & Conference is North America's largest event dedicated to sensors, connectivity, and IoT. Now in its 35th year, the event brings together leading engineers and technological influencers to find ...
Thousands of engineers, scientists, and industry professionals representing 47 countries gathered at the Rosemont Convention Center for the Sensors Expo & Conference, an event focused exclusively on sensors and sensor-integrated systems. The Expo and Conference was held Monday, June 8, through Wednesday...
Sensors Expo & Conference 公司 公司 Terry Brewer 博士发明的防反射涂层引领了全球微电子行业的变革,开创了如今高速轻型电子设备的潮流。 进一步了解 关于我们 40th Anniversary 荣誉和奖项 慈善公益 办公地点 我们的工作 可持续发展 走向环保 制造 合作伙伴
经过30多年来的发展,Sensors Expo&Conference已成为北美的专注于传感器和传感器集成系统的盛会。 2020年将从6月9日至11日在加利福尼亚州圣何塞的McEnery会议中心举办,在这里您将找到当今科技能够带来的所有传感技术和解决方案。这里将是传感器相关厂家探索传感技术, 推动明技术发展的佳平台。
Sensors Expo & Conference is the only industry event in North America exclusively focused on sensors and sensor-integrated systems. For over 30 years, Sensors has brought technical innovation and thought leadership to engineers involved in the development and deployment of sensors and sensing systems....
Sensors Expo & Conference is packed with technology professionals exploring the sensor revolution of everything from robotics and autonomous vehicles to embedded systems and the Internet of Things. Live-action demos and hands-on learning inspire creativity and innovation. For Colorado-based Glow Labs, ...
Website: http://www.sensorsexpo.com Location: McEnery Convention Center San Jose, CA United StatesEvent Description Sensors Expo & Conference is the only industry event in North America exclusively focused on sensors and sensor-integrated systems. For over 30 years, Sensors has brought technical...