hearing losshearingauditory rehabilitationcochlear implantsSynonyms Congenital deafness ; Genetic deafness ; Genetic hearing loss ; Inherited hearing loss ; Nonsyndromic hearing loss ; Syndromic hearing loss Definition Hearing loss is the most common disorder of the sensory system, affecting between 1 and ...
6) dissociated sensory loss 分离性感觉丧失补充资料:听力损失 听力损失 hearing loss 指噪声所致听力损失。由于噪声对听觉器官的机械性损伤和代谢紊乱所致。多为慢性进行性发展过程。通常先是生理性反应,如继续接触噪声、则发展为永久性听力损伤,听力不能完全恢复,此称为"噪声性耳聋"。目前尚无有效疗法,主要对策为...
Sudden Hearing LossIdiopathic Sudden Hearing LossSensory-Neural Hearing LossSudden hearing loss is a type of hearing loss that occurs in three successive frequencies by more than 30 dB and in less than 72 hours. Every 10 person in 100000 in the world and 25000 people in USA suffer this kind...
3)sensoryneural hearing loss感觉采窬性听觉丧失 4)Sensorineural hearing loss感音神经性听力损失 5)hearing loss听觉丧失 6)dissociated sensory loss分离性感觉丧失 延伸阅读 听力损失听力损失hearing loss 指噪声所致听力损失。由于噪声对听觉器官的机械性损伤和代谢紊乱所致。多为慢性进行性发展过程。通常先是生理性反...
Synonyms Congenital deafness ; Genetic deafness ; Genetic hearing loss ; Inherited hearing loss ; Nonsyndromic hearing loss ; Syndromic hearing loss Definition Hearing loss is the most common disorder of the sensory system, affecting between 1 and 3 in 1,000 children at birth (http://www.nidcd....
Hearing loss is the most common sensory disorder. Genetic factors contribute substantially to this condition, although allelic heterogeneity and variable expressivity make a definite molecular diagnosis challenging. To provide a brief overview of the gen
neurosensory sensorineural_医学行业词汇 感觉神经的:感觉神经的或和感觉神经有关的,和感觉机制有关的或影响感觉机制和/或感觉神经的。见deafness和hearing loss项下 sensorineural词源英文解释 The first known use of sensorineural was in 1929 sensorineural医学词典英英释义 ...
The cause of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (idiopathic SSNHL)—diagnosed after excluding other causes of hearing loss, such as SSNHL associated with vestibular schwannoma (VS)—is unknown. The presumed pathogenesis of idiopathic SSNHL incl
Temporary sensory hearing deficits after ear surgery- a retrospective analysis. Laryngorhio- otologie. 2007;86(3):200-5. 6. Palva A, Sorri M. Can an Operation On a Deaf Ear Be Dangerous For Hearing? Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 1979;360:155-7. 7. Holmquist J, Oleander R, Hallen O. ...
Sensorineural hearing lossCytomegalovirusCochlear implantPediatric hearing lossHearing loss genesPediatric otologyPurpose of review Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common congenital sensory deficit, yet the etiology of up to one third of cases remains undetermined. The goal of this review is to ...