VL53L0X提供三种测量模式,分别是单次测量(Single ranging)、连续测量(Continuous ranging)、定时测量(Timed ranging)。 单次测量,只测量一次,测量完毕处于待机状态,需再一次触发才会测量 连续测量,启动测量后会连续测量,除非用户主动停止 定时测量,用户指定测量周期的连续测量 2、测量精度 VL53L0X提供四种测距精度选择,...
百度爱采购为您找到14家最新的距离传感器 vl53l0x sensor产品的详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息,您还可以免费查询、发布询价信息等。
VL53L0X-Distance-Sensor-User-Manual-CN VL53L0X Distance Sensor 用户手册产品概述 我是基于VL53L0X设计的飞行时间(ToF)测距模块,精确测距范围可达2米,I2C接口通信,低 功耗。VL53L0X是ST推出的第二代FlightSense技术的飞行时间传感器,与传统的测距传感器不同,VL53L0X采用ST的ToF技术,无论目标颜色和反射率如何...
VL53L0X World smallest Time-o f-Flight (ToF) laser ranging sensor, You can get more details about VL53L0X World smallest Time-o f-Flight (ToF) laser ranging sensor from mobile site on Alibaba.com
净重4g 毛重17g 产品尺寸32*24*8mm 包装尺寸67*53*12mm 相关产品 路由模块 AP模块 无线MT7628NN模块方案 WiFi芯片ESP8266 WiFi芯片 ESP32-C3 WiFi芯片 ESP32-D0WDQ6 WiFi芯片ESP32-D0WD 产品找不到? 直接发需求试试! 发布需求
GY-530 sensor VL53L0X Time of Flight (ToF) laser ranging module sensor, You can get more details about GY-530 sensor VL53L0X Time of Flight (ToF) laser ranging module sensor from mobile site on Alibaba.com
VL53L03X Features: Smallest Time-of-Flight TOF on the world Measurement distance 2 meters (notice code set to 1.2 meters) Measurement time <30ms Low power compution 20mW,standby 5μA ±3% precesision. Different from the traditional infrared proximity sensors, the VL53L0X outputs distance meas...
Grove - Time of Flight Distance Sensor-VL53L0X is a high speed, high accurary and long range distance sensor based on VL53L0X.
I2C Communication Protocol:Equipped with the IIC communication protocol, this sensor is fully compatible with 3-5v systems, ensuring seamless integration with Arduino and other devices. Versatile Power Supply:With a power supply range of 2.8 to 5v, the GY-530 VL53L0X is adaptable to various power...
张高兴的 Windows 10 IoT 开发笔记:ToF Sensor VL53L0X GitHub: https://github.com/ZhangGaoxing/windows-iot-demo/tree/master/VL53L0X 本文参与腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自作者个人站点/博客。