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(2)) wwhheerereZc i s thise cthhaeracchtaeriascttiecriimstpicedimanpcedoafnthce aonftetnhnea,aZnt0e=nna, µ 0 0/ε=0 i√s t h0e/ f 0re eisptahce wfraeveesipmapcedwanacvee ainmdpµe0diasntcheeapnedrm e0abisiltihtye opfevrmaceuaubmili,tyanodf vε0acisuuthme ,...
The laser range finder detects obstacles on the 2D plane while stereovision detects obstacles in 3D space, and a safety map is built. By combining the laser range finder and stereovision, the difficulty in detecting obstacles above and below the plane of the laser beam, which is a ...
.uthmep,sewnidteh2.7r3.6t8.dhuemaprr. iUvaplot.ni13.m.reesceopf teiaocnh00,...11ap.59n.a99ocktheet.r modified UDP agent The information of the sender trace file is used for generating the video1.frag file (Table 4) in order to adjust the file to the requirements of the ns-2 ...
Wdiahgernamapopfltyhiendgeasnigneexdternal force wmThotemoeelt.hnTtehohefatunhsdeerrini'msted,rrnwiavhlinsicpghrtinohrgaqsfuoreraccdeainwushberendc,tathlhceeuuτldas=treeirdv m i nw o givtehtostrthqheue rehoaτtnaitdsior:inma.l moment of inertia When applying an and the externa(l1) anf...