在homeassistant的configuration.yaml中配置mqtt sensor 首先,可以先通过mqtt的选项页面进行测试,配置topic为格式 <discovery_prefix>/<component>/[<node_id>/]/config 如:homeassistant/binary_sensor/garden/config 这里设备是binary sensor 名称是garden 然后在topic参数里填写json格式 {"name": "garden", "device_...
zipcode: !secret home_zip - platform: shodan api_key: !secret shodan_api query: "'home-assistant' country:'US' org:'AT&T U-verse' city:'Suwanee'" - platform: darksky api_key: !secret darksky_key monitored_conditions: - summary - daily_summary - hourly_summary - tempera...
为了把门窗传感器的状态名从开和关改成升起和放下,所以在configuration.yaml里用了如下命令 ...
<config directory>/custom_components/mart_holiday/__init__.py <config directory>/custom_components/mart_holiday/manifest.json <config directory>/custom_components/mart_holiday/sensor.py configuration.yaml 파일에 설정을 추가합니다. Home-Assistant 를 재시작합니다HACS...
Step 8: Adding Your Sensor to HomeAssistant. I separate all of my devices into separate files which I then include in the main configuration.yaml. Please add the device to wherever you keep yours. - platform: mqtt state_topic: "sensor/lounge/temp" ...
Home Assistant OS Integration causing the issue MQTT Link to integration documentation on our website No response Diagnostics information No response Example YAML snippet No response Anything in the logs that might be useful for us? can't see anything Additional information No response jbouwh added...
这是一个Home Assistant自定义组件,用于 Home Assistant 通过 蓝牙适配器 直接集成 小米 米家蓝牙温湿度计 (LYWSDCGQ/01ZM) 和 米家蓝牙温湿度计2 (LYWSD03MMC)。 v0.2.0-dev版本以后,已经支持自动发现功能,不需要任何配置。 不需要蓝牙网关。 LYWSD03MMCLYWSDCGQ/01ZM ...
40 我也没有搞的很清楚,我就在yaml把这个删除了。删掉确实好了,但是这个干啥用的,不知道 ...
As a workaround, I had to use the propertyuse_addressto give an explicit IP address to the node. I gave it the same IP address the DHCP already has given it before, so the wifi section of the YAML file became like this: 1
AppDaemon provides a python API to Home Assistant for writing automations. If you already know Python and have a complex idea for an automation that would be hard to express with YAML, give AppDaemon a try. I’ve got a tutorial on using it to write a Telegram bot. Whenever humidity is ...