Heightened Sensory Perception: HSPs tend to have heightened sensitivity to sensory stimuli. Do you notice that you’re more aware of subtle sounds, textures, bright lights, or strong smells? Are you affected by loud or chaotic environments and usually prefer calmer and more peaceful surroundings?
Avoiding lights and sounds: validation of the PhotoSensitivity and PhonoSensitivity Avoidance Behavior Scales (PHOTO-SABS And PHONO-SABS) in pediatric headachePhotosensitivity and phonosensitivity are commonly associated with pediatric chronic headache. Youth may modify their environments and participation to ...
“The microphone’s sensitivity allows it to pick up even faint sounds in the room”- Sensitivit...
Related to hyposensitivity:hypersensitivity hy·po·sen·si·tiv·i·ty (hī′pō-sĕn′sĭ-tĭv′ĭ-tē) n.pl.hy·po·sen·si·tiv·i·ties Less than the normal ability to respond to stimuli. hy′po·sen′si·tiveadj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth...
The sham sources had an identical design, including a ventilator for cooling and LED-lights to indicate operating status. Before and after the exposure, assessments took place at our research laboratory unit at University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, whereby questionnaire assessments, intermixed ...
to his or her eyes (as if visually impaired) and yet be exceptionally sensitive to the subtle flickering of fluorescent lights. Children with ASD may have oralaversionsand/or overall “tactile defensiveness” to soft touch but no apparent response to injuries and other painfulstimuli. The ...
Do you feel ill when you're near cell phones, fluorescent lights, wi-fi, computers, televisions, or "Smart Meters" for electricity/gas? If so, you may have "electrical sensitivity". Common symptoms include headaches, nausea, exhaustion, "burning" skin, dizziness, inability to concentrate, agi...
touch: your child is sensitive to certain types of clothes or fabrics, or people touching them sight: bright lights, like a camera flash or sunlight, are bothersome pain: a splinter or cut can be very painful sound: background noise and loud or surprising sounds are distracting and can be...
Answer to: Dark adaptation is the process of increasing the sensitivity of rods and cones in low light. Indicate whether the statement is true or...
For me it works pretty well when there is some light reflection off the windshield, either from streetlights or other cars headlights. At night when there are no lights or cars on a dark road to reflect off the water drops, it thinks all is well as the water builds up on the windshiel...