In the event of painful stimuli on the body, pain is mediated by processing in the nervous system. The nervous system consists of two subsystems, the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system (CNS). The main function of the CNS is the integration and processing of sensory info...
In the event of painful stimuli on the body, pain is mediated by processing in the nervous system. The nervous system consists of two subsystems, the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system (CNS). The main function of the CNS is the integration and processing of sensory info...
Nevertheless, if a patient's ECG and pulmonary measures could be recorded in an ambulatory setting, thereby allowing the patient to engage in activities of daily living, the chances of acquiring meaningful information and capturing an abnormal event while the patient is engaged in normal activities ...
The implanted lithium battery for a pacemaker, neurostimulator and insulin infusion pump needs to be replaced every ~6.5 years, ~4 years and ~2 years on average, respectively [28,29]. The implanted battery for a MEI can stay for ~6 years while an external worn battery has to be charged...