Sensi TM 触摸Wi-Fi恒温器 使用指南说明书 Models: 1F95U-42WF, ST75 Version: October 2017
Contents MANUAL OPERATION GUIDE Buttons and Icons 3 Basic Functionality 4 Manual Settings 5 Menu Configurations 6 Wiring Terminals 7 Back of the Face Plate 8 SensiTM Wi-Fi Programmable Thermostat | MANUAL OPERATION 2 Buttons and Icons The Sensi Wi-Fi Programmable Thermostat can be operated through...
It literally takes less than half a second to select your thermostat and go to the next menu. I like having all of the thermostats listed. I have a business that’s 25,000 sqft with 4 ACs...makes it a breeze to see them all on one screen and check the temps on the fly. Lets...
Settings Range:-4° to 80º Balance Point:This feature will lockout your heat pump and will only use the auxiliary heating system to heat your home, when the outdoor temperature is below the temperature or balance point you chose.
Sensi 智能恒温器 使用说明书 SENSI TM SMART THERMOSTAT Manual Operation Models: 1F87U-42WF, ST55 Version: January 2020©2020 Emerson Electric Co. All rights reserved R-5029.
sensitouch智能恒温器使用说明书 Manual Operation Models: 1F95U-42WF series, ST75 series, NH-AWIFI, OH-AWIFI Version: January 2020© 2020 Emerson Electric Co. All rights reserved R-5030