A.making B.planning C.using D.getting 5.I tried all I could ___, but fail ed. A.to avoid to being out of employ B.to avoid being out of employ C.avoid being out of employ D.to avoid to be employed 6.At the airport, the mother waved goodbye to her son until t...
5. When banks fail in one day, there was a p___ among businessmen. 6. The headmaster is t___ busy; he will be able to see you in a few minutes. 7. I was s___ at my work from morning till night. 8. The weather is certainly ___(不可预言的) lately. 9. The bear, when...
Opening night filmTracks(John Curran), a recipient of the festival investment fund, was well-received in a sold out screening at the Adelaide Festival Centre. Based on the book written by Robyn Davidson (who was in attendance along with two camels who sat quietly aside the event’s red carp...
See also the blog, www.womendirectorsinhollywood.com, the list of films that pass or fail the Bechdel Test [link to: www.bechdeltest.com], and the website for the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media: www.seejane.org/index.php. Jean Epstein,...
"Failure is not fun. It can be awful. But living so cautiously that you never fail is worse." – J.K. Rowling "Fall in love with your life" just like that.. #instaquote #inspiration quote #dailyquote #wordsofwisdom #love #life "falling in love and having a relationship are two...