网站首页 > 先进设备 蔡司Sensera根管显微镜蔡司Sensera根管显微镜重庆医科大学附属口腔医院 版权所有 技术支持:讯迈科技
The best improvement since we have been using Sensera Systems is the ability to operate the cameras using solar power and cellular data. Some of our sites don’t have or get power and data service until the projects are nearly completed, which makes cameras without this option useless. ...
Sensera Ltd (SE1) 澳大利亚悉尼 创建提醒 一次 % 添加至投资组合 0.015+0.000+0.00% 21/05- 闭盘.AUD货币 类型:股票 市场:澳大利亚 ISIN:AU000000SE12 量:0 卖价/买价:0.015/0.016 当日幅度:0.014-0.017 近期报价 名称价格涨跌额涨跌幅 SE10.015+0.000+0.00%...
The best improvement since we have been using Sensera Systems is the ability to operate the cameras using solar power and cellular data. Some of our sites don’t have or get power and data service until the projects are nearly completed, which makes cameras without this option useless. ...
O design compacto do ZEISS OPMI Sensera permite ao sistema ser facilmente deslocado entre os blocos operatórios e reposicionado durante a cirurgia. O ZEISS OPMI Sensera pode ser manobrado com uma precisão extrema e é um microscópio operatório ideal para microcirurgia a laser. ...
ZEISS OPMI SenseraKompakt und leistungsstark für die HNO-Chirurgie OPMI Sensera®von ZEISS ist sorgfältig auf die Anforderungen von HNO-Chirurgen abgestimmt. Kontaktieren Sie uns Bedienkomfort Optik der Spitzenklasse Integration Bedienkomfort ...
型号规格 S7 / OPMI Sensera 组成成分 各模块配件等 配置 融合式针座和针头 特点 可视化高性能设计 是否定制 否 是否进口 否 订购方式 签约购买 配送方式 上海自提或三方快递 适用范围/预期用途该产品用于在支气管树隆凸、气管旁和门病变内进行吸引;在这些位置,活检钳无法获得粘膜下标本。 产品名称经支气...
蔡司Sensera根管显微镜 蔡司Sensera根管显微镜
据麦姆斯咨询报道,MEMS器件领先供应商Sensera将其MEMS技术应用到了生物工程领域的新应用。该公司的MEMS技术被Harvard University(美国哈佛大学)用于“打造”微流控器件,以模仿人体器官的功能,包括肺、肠、肾、皮肤、骨髓和血脑屏障。 “Sensera是一家能够提供关键MEMS器件制造的重要合作伙伴,帮助我们实现精准医疗和个性护理...
OPMI Sensera 版本 13.0 使用说明书 Care and Maintenance S7 / OPMI Sensera Version 13.0Page 196G-30-1434-en Care of the device Cleaning Cleaning optical surfaces The multilayer T* super anti-reflection coating of the optical components (e.g. eyepieces, objective lenses) ensures optimum image ...