adj 1. lacking in sense; foolish: a senseless plan. 2. lacking in feeling; unconscious 3. lacking in perception; stupid ˈsenselessly adv ˈsenselessness n Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, ...
The film that made it all happen, Murnau’s loose, unofficial adaptation of Stoker’sDraculamay not have been the first horror movie (that honour probably goes to George Meliés’sLe Manoir du Diable) but it’s certainly the most influential. So many keynotes of the genre emerge fully formed...
The film that made it all happen, Murnau’s loose, unofficial adaptation of Stoker’sDraculamay not have been the first horror movie (that honour probably goes to George Meliés’sLe Manoir du Diable) but it’s certainly the most influential. So many keynotes of the genre emerge fully formed...