IVsIntellisenseCompletor IVsIntellisenseHost IVsIntellisenseHost_Corrected IVsIntellisenseLangTip IVsIntellisenseLangTip Yöntemler Kapat Oluştur GetOverloadCount GetSizePreferences GetSizey Başlatma Isactive ScrollDown ScrollUp Güncelleştir UpdatePosition IVsIntellisenseOptions IVsLanguageBloc...
IVsIntellisenseLangTip Methods Close Create GetOverloadCount GetSizePreferences GetSizeY Initialize IsActive ScrollDown ScrollUp Update UpdatePosition IVsIntellisenseOptions IVsLanguageBlock IVsLanguageClipboardOps IVsLanguageClipboardOpsEx IVsLanguageContextProvider IVsLanguageDebugInfo IVsLan...
IVsIntellisenseHost IVsIntellisenseHost_Corrected IVsIntellisenseLangTip IVsIntellisenseOptions IVsLanguageBlock IVsLanguageClipboardOps IVsLanguageClipboardOpsEx IVsLanguageCoNtextProvider IVsLanguageDebugInfo IVsLanguageDebugInfo2 IVsLanguageDebugInfo3 IVsLanguageDebugInfoRemap IVsLanguageDragDropOps IVsLangua...
public:virtualintCreate(Microsoft::VisualStudio::TextManager::Interop::IVsTipWindow ^ pTipWnd)= Microsoft::VisualStudio::TextManager::Interop::IVsIntellisenseLangTip::Create; Parameters pTipWnd IVsTipWindow [in] Pointer to the tip window interface. ...
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Medical Definition sense-datum noun sense-da·tum -ˌdāt-əm, -ˌdat-, -ˌdät- plural sense-data -ə : the immediate private perceived object of sensation as distinguished from the objective material object itself
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