sense-reference distinctionintension-extension distinctionconnotation-denotation distinctionBrown v. Board of EducationI deploy the sense-reference distinction and its kin from the philosophy of language to answer the question what in constitutional interpretation should, and shChristopher R. Green...
5/0 收藏人数: 1 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 文档标签: 语言学考研必备 系统标签: referencesensedistinctionserfregeunicorns WhatistheDistinctionBetweenSenseandReference? Fregeissaidtobethefirstpersontosetoutthedifferencebetweensenseand referenceinasystematicform,anditisfromhiswritingthatthetermsfirst...
So the distinction between “sense”and “reference” is comparable to that between “connotation” and “denotation”. The former refers to the abstract properties of an entity, while the latter refers to the concrete entities having these properties. In other words, Leech’s conceptual meaning ...
Sothedistinctionbetween“sense”and“reference”iscomparabletothat between“connotation”and“denotation”.Theformerreferstotheabstract propertiesofanentity,whilethelatterreferstotheconcreteentities havingtheseproperties.Inotherwords,Leech’sconceptualmeaninghas ...
Thus, he makes a distinction between the actual number a mathematical expression such as "4 x 2" stands for, and the way in which that number is determined or picked out. The former he called the reference (Bedeutung) of the expression, and the latter was called the sense (Sinn) of ...
To common sense, this distinction seems clear and easy. View in context The anchor is an emblem of hope, but a foul anchor is worse than the most fallacious of false hopes that ever lured men or nations into a sense of security. View in context In the course of their conversation they...
2. 意义与指称 Meaning) 词汇意义( ) : 1)意义与指称(sense and reference) )意义与指称( ) : 意义与指称是语言研究中的 …|基于2个网页 3. 意义和所指 《现代... ... 1. What is semantics? 什么是语义学? 3.Sense and reference意义和所指4. Major sense relations 主要...
However, Frege had recovered an ancient distinction specifying that sense and reference are two different constituents of meaning, and the identification of meaning with sense has become widespread in the philosophy of language. Both positions are one-sided and entail difficulties that have affected ...
things and nonexistent things, and nonexistent things also have a kind of being. Given his distinction between existence and subsistence, it is possible for Meinong to argue that “the king of France” refers to a subsistent being. Fact that there are meaningful empty descriptions refutes the...