This series of Kindergarten lesson plans focuses on exploring the five senses. Teach your students to interact with their world through seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching! Our 5 Senses: What a Sight! A Lesson Plan for Kindergarten Our 5 Senses: Let’s Hear It for Our Ears! Our...
More about this lesson plan: Materials Needed:none Author:Cathy Burgess Source:© Beacon Learning Tags / Keywords:Christmas,Five Senses,Senses,Sight,Smell,Sound,Taste,Touch Found in:1st Grade•2nd Grade•3rd Grade•December•Health•Holidays•Kindergarten•Language Arts•Mathematics•Scien...
A child is more prone to learning behavior, mannerism and self-awareness at and around the age of 5. This is a phase of a child’s life where he is open to all kinds of teachings and lessons. This becomes a very crucial phase. At this stage, where a kid goes to kindergarten in Si...
intolerance of debate, appeal to authority, desire to convince others of the ideological “truth”, and a willingness to punish those that don’t concur. They need to look in the mirror and understand