Define sense of movement. sense of movement synonyms, sense of movement pronunciation, sense of movement translation, English dictionary definition of sense of movement. Noun 1. sense of movement - the ability to feel movements of the limbs and body kina
Elaborates on the key constructs, including contextualization with agency, sociopolitical dynamics in designing school practices, and personal self-definition in relation to sociocultural context. (Author/KB)关键词:Nonfiction Culture Education Ethnology ...
In the 1970sAntonovsky (1979, 1987)presented the concept ofsense of coherence. If a person has a higher sense of coherence then he or she can cope better with stress. There are three components to this concept: (1)comprehensibilityor the perception of stressors in a way such that they ma...
The heterogeneity of participants' responses and the polyphasic representational field described reflects not only the way in which specific socio-historical contexts shape the interpretation of new knowledge, but also the agency of participants in using that knowledge as a resource with which to pursue...
Rather than ignore what I called the ‘video river’ flowing through ITN from its crews and agency suppliers we needed to exploit it. First Channel Four, who had grudgingly appointed ITN as their news provider in the first place, had to be weaned off an obsession with what they called ‘...
Definition. “Confidential Information” means all information disclosed by a party (“Disclosing Party”) to the other party (“Receiving Party”), whether orally or in writing, that is designated as confidential or that reasonably should be understood to be confidential given the nature of the ...
Taste is personal, and we don’t have a definition of art. It’s one of those things where you know it when you see it, but we don’t have a definition of taste. I hate conversations where taste is moralized—like "good taste" and "bad taste." To me, there’s no such thing ...
Permissions from The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) and the local government’s authorities of education were secured. Written informed consents from the guardians of eligible students and students’ assent were obtained. In the consent form, guardians were asked to ...
Human dignity and vulnerable agency: An ethical framework for forensic practice TonyWard,KendraSyversen, inAggression and Violent Behavior, 2009 4.2Principle B: fidelity and responsibility The general principle of fidelity and responsibility is designed to promote the establishment of trusting relationships ...
Having a body versus moving your body: Neural signatures of agency and body-ownership. Neuropsychologia 48, 2740–2749 (2010). PubMed Google Scholar 9 Makin, T. R., Holmes, N. P. & Ehrsson, H. H. On the other hand: dummy hands and peripersonal space. Behav. Brain Res. 191, 1–...