是由赖舒·彼查执导, 由尼克·佩恩, 朱利安·巴恩斯担任主编, 演员彼得·怀特, 希尔顿·麦克雷, 杰克·洛克斯顿等主演的《终结的感觉 The Sense of an Ending》是一部剧情类型电影。 本片改编自英国著名作家朱利安•巴恩斯(Julian Barnes)的同名小说,该小说曾获2011年布克奖。 上世纪六十年代,高中生托尼有两个...
The Sense of an Ending 上映日期:2017年6月1日片長:109 分鐘級別: IIA 3.8 108讚好17影評 簡介 回憶總是美好的,大概因為我們選擇性存取過去。韋東尼(占布洛德賓 飾)某天收到初戀情人維妮的母親死訊,她死後留下了一本日記給東尼,而日記的主人竟是東尼的故友范亞恩(祖艾雲 飾)。當年維妮和東尼分手後迅速戀上...
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“The Lunchbox” so globally beloved — and, for that matter, the same softly-softly humanity found in his two subsequent English-language efforts, “The Sense of an Ending” and “Our Souls at Night.” Whether roaming the streets of Mumbai or the plains of Colorado, Batra’s filmmaking ...
Michelle Dockery made her name playing Lady Mary on “Downton Abbey,” but the actress is taking on a more modern role in the new movie “The Sense of an Ending"
Michelle Dockery has been cast as Jim Broadbent's daughter in 'The Sense Of An Ending'. The 'Downton Abbey' star will be joined by her co-stars, Charlotte Rampling, Harriet Walter and Emily Mortimer, and the 'The Iron Lady' actor Broadbent, who was previously announced. The movie - whic...
Michelle Dockery on 'The Sense of an Ending', the differences between the novel and the film, the relationship between Susie and her father, and more.
终结的感觉 The Sense of an Ending 分类: 剧情片电影 本片改编自英国著名作家朱利安•巴恩斯(Julian Barnes)的同名小说,该小说曾获2011年布克奖。 上世纪六十年代,高中生托尼有两个好友,三人爱读书也热衷于谈论性,常聚在一起调侃戏谑。后来博学睿智的艾德里安也加入了他们,他的加入让这个小圈子发生了悄然...
Browse The Sense of an Ending Merchandise Questions (0) Community Guidelines Have a question for the community? No problem! Our awesome group of similarly-minded members are here to help. Ask a Question Psychotic Reaction Count Five Time Has Told Me ...
Overall this is indeed a movie that is a lot better than the average in the genre. The acting is very good, the story is interesting,... and for once it all made me forget about everything that I hate about the genre. When you know that I normally give a movie of this kind a ...