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EasyLife 365 EasyLife 365 Mail EasyMeet 365 EasyQuorum – DE easyQuorum – FR easyQuorum – US/UK EasyVista Connect von Symplifyr ebuero Eden Workplace Edgility-SMS EdMill Edpuzzle eduMe eformity | Vorlagenmanagement eierkopf Elate Elba Eletive Elia elmah.io email-texting EmAlerts Einschi...
Table1OnlinelearningphasesAttendancephasesPossibility of planning short and sequen-tial learning units that can be masteredalongside the demands of everyday life.Participationinattendancephasesrequirestime-consuming planning by students(arrangements with family and employer,travel arrangements).Possibility of long...
Talk performs actions and interactional meaning can be ascertained through an examination of the sequence of conversation. Thus, in contrast with top-down stipulative approaches to the phenomenon of social order, the analysis of conversation provides a bottom-up approach to social life that maintains ...
In this chapter, we propose a conceptual framework in which we integrate the literature on attribution and intergroup helping behaviour. We discuss how conceptions of internal, external and fatalistic attributions of poverty relate to helping behaviours.
G. Braziller, 1954 Read preview Managers Learning in Action David Coghlan; Tony Dromgoole; Pat Joynt; Peter Sorensen. Routledge, 2004 Read preview Sean Macbride: A Republican Life, 1904-1946 Caoimhe Nic Dháibhéid. Liverpool University Press, 2011 Read preview The Correspondence, ...
Although Madagascar has venomous snakes, particularly terrestrial species belonging to Colubridae (the rear-fanged snakes) which are capable of delivering a medically significant bite, they are not regarded as life threatening [164]. The Indian and Southeast Asian distribution of slow and slender lo...
Regarding its significance to human life, the place can be defined as any environmental location that brings together the actions, experiences, intentions, and meanings of individuals or groups in time and space [17]. An important aspect of a place is its environmental atmosphere, often described...
Indikátory Kvality Života v Oblasti Bezpečnosti (Indicators of Quality of Life in the Field of Safety). Úřad Vlády České Republiky. Available online: https://www.cr2030.cz/strategie/wpcontent/uploads/sites/2/2018/05/11_Bezpe%C4%8Dnost.pdf (accessed on 13 September 2022). ...
Han, B. Ming and Qing Architecture—The Origin and Development of the ArchMing; Life-Reading-Xinzhi Sanlian Bookstore: Beijing, China, 2023; ISBN 978-7-108-04773-1. [Google Scholar] Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram (UNESCO/NHK). Available online: https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/249/ ...