Gottlob Frege On Sense And Reference 意义与指称 弗雷格.pdf,Translations from the osophical of Gottlob Fre EDITED BY PETER GEACH Professor of Logic, University of Leeds AND M A X BLACK Profrssor of W ~ h s o p h y C, ~ r r w l lIlruwnrty B A S I L B L A C
1. 鸟瞰:意义和指称 Sense and reference: a short overview 弗雷格(Gottlob Frege)在Über Sinn und Bedeutung中认为每一个直觉上有含义(intuitively meaningful)的表达都有“意义”(sense,即德语sinn),所谓意义即一种对指称物(referent,即德语bedeutung)的“呈现方式”(mode of presentation)。 罗素、克里普克、卡...
On Sense and Reference-frege 下载积分:50 内容提示: On Sense and Reference (Excerpt) Gottlob Frege 1892 Equality gives rise to challenging questions which are not altogether easy to answer. Is it a relation? A relation between objects, or between names or signs of objects? In my Begriffs...
Frege_189240194841_SenseAndReference 系统标签: fregejstorphilosophicalgottlobdukereview PhilosophicalReview SenseandReference Author(s):GottlobFrege Reviewedwork(s): Source:ThePhilosophicalReview,Vol.57,No.3(May,1948),pp.209-230 Publishedby:DukeUniversityPressonbehalfofPhilosophicalReview StableURL:http://....
Frege on Sense and ReferenceFrege on Sense and Reference - Research Portal, King's College, LondonTextor, MMorris, M. (2007) `Frege on Sense and Reference'. In An Introduction to the Philosophy of Language. Cambridge University Press
引自On sense and reference & Thought by Gottlob Frege 弗雷格认为,并非所有东西都是表象(idea),自己虽然是表象的承担者,但自己本身不是表象;思想可以为我和其他人共同把握;而且如果一切都是表象,那么心理学必然会驾临在一切学科之上,但弗雷格认为逻辑学和数学是不依赖于心理学的。
Frege--sense and reference
On Sense and Reference英文电子资料.pdf,O N SENSE AND REFERENCE 7 between the signs corresponds to a difference in the mode of presentation of that which is designated. Let a,6, c be the lines connecting the vertices of a triangle with the midpoints of th
Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Frege on Sense and Reference 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Gottlob Frege is considered the father of modern logic and one of the founding figures of analytic philosophy. He was firstly a mathematician but his major works, including "Conception and Notation",...