perception, vision, hearing and vestibular sense, other senses, object recognition 學生們也學習了 學習指南 psyc lecture 4: sensation & perception 51個詞語 hanifah_ouro-sama預覽 Unit 3 AP Psychology Test 49個詞語 nataliejacksonn2預覽 Psychology 230 Chapter 7 (Information Processing) 14個詞語 josephf...
AP Psych- Chapter 33 12個詞語 Alice_o_m預覽 Pysch 25個詞語 Gabby_Sirico7預覽 PSYCH Exam 2 老師35個詞語 darianacaro預覽 cog psy quiz 4 47個詞語 bradyarden22預覽 AP Psych Senses 73個詞語 allisonlee1225預覽 AP Psychology Sensations and Perceptions 79個詞語 slkalish預覽 這個學習集的練習題 學習...
AP Psychology Module 32: Storing and Retrieving memories 23個詞語 cHipOTle1111預覽 Week 5: Vision 63個詞語 Leannaw15預覽 Unit 5b: Thinking, Problem Solving, Creativity, and Language 36個詞語 EmmaLauria22預覽 PSY 200 Final Exam 208個詞語 Leah_Brier預覽 Sensation and Perception 64個詞語 Alejandra_...
AP Psych Perception Vocab 26個詞語 Chapter 8- Understanding Memory: Processes and Models 61個詞語 Chapter 5.1 AP Psychology: Vocab Check #2 16個詞語 CH8 18個詞語 cognition chp 6 25個詞語 Psychology316_Exam3 6個詞語 PSYCH 263 Final Exam ...
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用Quizlet學習並牢記包含Transduction、Sensory Adaptation、Sensory Habituation (Perceptual Adaptation)等詞語及更多內容的單詞卡。
答案 1. Air strikes the eardrum and causes the anvil, stirrup, and hammer to vibrate the cochlea 2. The cochlea focuses the vibrations on the basilar membrane (The stirrup vibrates against the oval window at the base of the cochlea and the vibrations become seaborne and float to the basilar...