This tool will also remember your sensitivity and selected games so that If you're someone who frequently converts their sensitivity from a base game (say Valorant) when trying a new game, you can do so very quickly. How to convert mouse sensitivity?
The game I play the most is Valorant with 0.31 ingame sens and 800 DPI, windows settings 4. 回覆 10 已建立 3年前 最後回覆 3年前 此主題的熱門發表者 6 4 1 熱門的日子 12月26日 7 12月27日 4 DPI Wizard Wizard 18.2k 278 W...
I'm a fast-paced player by nature and wanted a bit of a higher sens so I ended up going with 28cm/360 as it gives me enough precision while allowing for easy flicks. Now that I'm getting more into FPS on PC, I'm thinking of getting into Valorant but have repeatedly heard that ...
DPI: 800 sens: 4.0 (Warzone), 0.377(Valorant, but i dont like Valo) Expand I use a metal MSI mousepad that has anodized aluminum, very good for low sens and very accurate. But I think it was discontinued. If you can find it I would 100% recommend it. Better than any cloth ...
【无畏契约】Sinatraa新浪哥雷兹Raze直播精彩集锦! #无畏契约双城之战联动 #无畏契约#sinatraa #valorant #瓦罗兰特 sinatraa 名字Jay Won 出生于2000年3月18日 国籍美国前守望先锋职业 - Willy咆哮哥于20241127发布在抖音,已经收获了81.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生
THE FINALS Titanfall 2 VALORANT Warlander World War 3 sens FOV sens FOV DPI 180° Distance(cm) How to use / Caution How to use ・Click on the two games you wish to convert, in the order of source and destination. ・The source game is displayed on the left and the destina...