Share by RedditShare by SMS/Text Product Details Product Reviews ↓ Details provided byDekoni Audio↓ (Specifications and appearance of this product are subject to change without notice) Dekoni Audio created this Frankenstein from the best of all its pads, and it represents the pinnacle of the De...
I guessed some of you would like to read this: Reddit thread So it seems there might be another 137 pairs done out there. Not bad for a $59,000 headphone. Reactions: Schackmannen, Hugo9000, mugbot and 1 other person D Dazerdoreal Senior Member Joined Oct 5, ...
There is some debate in online forums between getting the Emotiva A-100 + Dac + preamp vs buying the Emotiva TA-100.A100 vs TA-100 onReddit. The TA-100 is an all-in-one solution that combines an audiophile-quality stereo preamplifier, FM tuner, and an audio power amplifierall in one ...
The ad is also quick to point out that they have “improved” the sound signature of the HD800s when tuning the new HD8xx. Looking at the frequency response graph provided by Drop and Head-Fi, the HD8xx has more sub-bass quantity and extension (60Hz down increase with roll-off moving...
Dekoni Audio’s pads for the Sennheiser HD700 series of headphones help fill in the gap in Sennheiser’s HD700 headphones. While this particular headphone did not match the critical acclaim of the HD600 or HD800, Dekoni has worked to find the balance to
Sennheiser has introduced a new wireless headphone with Hybrid Active Noise Canceling technology for only$179 USD. The new model is called theACCENTUM Wirelessand Sennheiser’s Principal Product Manager, Christian Ern admits, “it shares much of the most desirable DNA of our award-winning MOMENTUM...
Sennheiser Communications A/S的遊戲產品管理主管Andreas Jessen解釋:「GSP 550耳機特設環繞音效控制器,讓遊戲玩家輕鬆透過簡單易用的Sennheiser軟件,按照個人喜好自訂理想的音響體驗。我們明白對於熱衷遊戲的玩家而言,反應迅速而設計簡便的音效控制系統至為關鍵。正因如此,品牌精心設計簡約流暢的使用者介面,提供多項音效調整...
Share on Reddit (opens in a new window) Share on Hacker News (opens in a new window) Share on Flipboard (opens in a new window) A good set of headphones can make a substantial difference to a listening experience, in terms of both sound quality and comfort over long sessions. Today's...
Share by RedditShare by SMS/Text Product Details Product Reviews ↓ Details provided byDekoni Audio↓ (Specifications and appearance of this product are subject to change without notice) Dekoni Audio created this Frankenstein from the best of all its pads, and it represents the pinnacle of ...