danieljohnsonrnThe 559 or 599 use the exact same Cup connection as the 560S. They should be perfectly inter-Compatible... 1 Reply bookmark_border more_vert danieljohnsonrn 30 Oct 3, 2023 lsrochaNot really a reply to the above, but I find it interesting and/or telling that the 560S ...
DamienREasy thing to double check: make sure the removable cable is snuggly plugged into the headphone jack of the computer, and twisted to lock into place in the headphone’s earcup itself. side note: the PC38X’s cable fits into the HD 560S even though it’s too thin for the twist...
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商品名称:森海塞尔(Sennheiser)HD 560S 商品编号:10111513337104 店铺:森海塞尔音频专卖店 场景:HIFI耳机 佩戴方式:头戴式 特色功能:主动降噪 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 本商品质保期周期主品2年质保,在此时间范围内可提交维修申请,具体请以厂家服务为准。
At its very worst, the HD560S is an evolution of the HD500 series that doesn’t really deserve to be in the same conversation as the HD599. At its very best, the HD560S trade blows with the HD6X0. As always, the truth is usually somewhere in middle; where exactly it is up to ...