5 Ultimate pair of Headphones!!! Hey guys, i just bought these amazing pair of Sennheiser HD 202II yesterday and have been constantly using it since then!!! It fits comfortably and sound output is simply mind-blowing!!! I had two options in mind, they were either the HD 202II or the...
SENNHEISER/森海塞尔 HD202搜索到8家网店正在出售 SENNHEISER/森海塞尔(型号: HD202)耳机 按销量为您排序显示最近评价 宝贝收到了,与卖家描述一致,质量很不错,我很满意老板服务态度非常好。 嗯,第一次买监听耳机,不太懂,客服妹子很可爱,很认真的教我,刚开始听有些杂音的,应该是没有煲好,不知道mbp能带好不,...
Soyto/烁宇通品牌 一件代发 ¥31.35月销944条 广州宜爵科技有限公司4年 M2头戴式无线蓝牙耳机HIFI重低音大动圈私模TEMU爆款耳机工厂店 中性品牌 48小时发货 ¥18.0月销577条 广州昕晟电子有限公司1年 VJE901美式复古头戴式蓝牙耳机5.3金属私模手机通用无线运动耳麦 ...
Sennheiser HD 202 II拥有舒适的佩戴感和迷人的声音轮廓,是您下一副罩耳式封闭耳机的绝佳选择。 ✅优点: 封闭式设计可过滤环境噪音,头带上有额外的填充物,舒适合身,以预算价位获得出色的音质。 ❌缺点: 10英尺长的电缆在户外使用时很烦人,它缺乏移动控制和智能手机的麦克风,有一个塑料框架。 如果你有严格的预...
10 footy style cable, frequency range : 18hz – 18khz,impedance: 32 ohm Wind-up belt clip for excess cable Product Description From the Manufacturer A Style Beyond Compare The feather-light Sennheiser HD 202 II headphones boast a futuristic design integrated with high durability. They feature co...
适用森海塞尔HD400SHD350BTHD4.30HD4.40BTHD4.50BTNCHD450BT HD4 东莞市石碣利杰电子厂 8年 回头率: 36.2% 广东 东莞市 ¥64.00 成交5297条 ANC头戴式降噪蓝牙耳机无线超长续航重低音简约全包耳麦新款跨境 汕头市永乐时代实业有限公司 18年 回头率: 34.3% 广东 汕头市潮阳区 ¥62.00 成交3590...
✨DON'T MISS OUT:Replacement Headphones Ear Pads for Sennheiser HD202/HD212 Headphone Foam Ear Pads Memory Foam Ear Memory Foam 90X70MM 23 AugO6 PRODUCT PROPERTY:✨ 1: Visit the jeemoosee brand shop to shop the entire jeemoosee assortment by clicking on the jeemoosee logo above.Using...
HD447, HD457, HD477, HD497 headphones Quantity: 1 pair of ear pads Color: Black Size: Precision-crafted to fit perfectly Features: **Unmatched Comfort and Sound Quality** Upgrade your audio experience with our Ear Pads for Sennheiser HD202 HD212 HD437 HD447 HD457 HD477 HD497 Headphones....
Sennheiser HD 650 Reference Headphones 2010s - Black Gebraucht – Sehr gut 199 € 199 € Sennheiser ewD1 Digital Wireless Mic Receiver EM D1 Gebraucht – Sehr gut 152,96 € 152,96 € Sennheiser MD421 HN or MD421 N 1960s - Light Grey Gebraucht – Genügend 219 € 219 € In 1 weitere...
苏宁易购为您提供森海塞尔(Sennheiser)hd202耳机/耳麦和森海塞尔(Sennheiser) MOMENTUM i 大馒头2代 头戴式包耳高保真立体声耳机 苹果版 黑色参数对比,让您了解森海塞尔(Sennheiser)hd202耳机/耳麦和森海塞尔(Sennheiser) MOMENTUM i 大馒头2代 头戴式包耳高保真立体声耳机