The Brevard Super Senior Softball League is governed by a Board of Directors with the following goals:(1)Establish as evenly balanced teams as possible for each 13 week season, to have competitive balance.(2)Players joining after the league begins play will be placed on a waiting list and as...
When discerning ballplayers of all skill levels seek an alternative to Softball, they almost always find their way to becoming an MSBL member. The MSBL brand means you are guaranteed to have the best possible baseball experience and while enjoying playing America’s favorite pastime at whatever sk...
Softball: Team members include seniors Audrey Tobesman, Libby McDougal, Macy Ridggs, Mikayla Hose, Teresa Starron; juniors-Grace Wells, and Jessie Jenkins; sophomores-Abby Shuck, Ava Taylor, Sadie RundleAnd on injured reserve: Michaela Egidi (Soph), and Shyanne Rowe (Soph). Beating North 1-...