What kind of personal assistance is offered?Some retirement communities will provide personal home care for a fee using their services, and others let you choose an external agency. If you need significantly more care, will that mean you need to leave the community, or do they have assisted ...
Seniors have unique needs when it comes to moving. Find moving advice, including how to utilize a storage unit, and a directory of resources for assistance.
Because RosePointe allows some cats and dogs, my elderly rat terrier lived with me until her recent death. If and when I need some assistance, I can use my LTC insurance for home care in my accessible apartment. I can also have meals delivered. ...
Find Shared Housing for seniors near you with our directory. Shared housing is when two or more people share a living space for mutual benefit.
You can also look into subsidized housing or federal and local programs for seniors. You can apply for rental assistance with aHousing Choice Voucherto pay for partial or full rent. Eligibility for a housing voucher depends on your total annual gross income, family size, and other criteria. Ac...
You stay in that one apartment, so they bring in the assistance as you need it. And then if you need a memory unit, there’s one next door, or attached. So that you can still be part of the community where you have made connections, and where you know the staff....