物流经理 Logistics Manager 物流专员/助理 Logistics Specialist/Assistant 物料经理 Materials Manager 采购...
识别业务部门的关键人才,协助部门管理者为关键人才制定个人发展计划 • Handles difficult situations in the business unit and trains managers in the employee relations 解决业务部门遇到的各种员工关系困境,并指导经理处理好员工关系 • O...
Senior PR and Brand Communication Specialist Continental 中国 management regulations and public relations communication calendar... Marketing, Public Relations...更多…… Senior Sales Manager Four Seasons 杭州市 全职 新客户; Maintain good business relationship with all producers. 与所有... good working...
"I do 10,000 steps a day so I'm just adding on," said Hough. The event is hosted by thePhiladelphia Corporation for Aging. "The idea behind this is to celebrate the vitality of older Philadelphians throughout the city," said Bill Conallen, a public relations specialist at Philadelphia ...
Committed to gaining growing responsibilities in the field of digital public relations.Offer valuable experience in news writing, and media relations, department creation, project management and community development.Christopher Drinkut
Senior Marketing Specialist-温哥华 📑 Responsibilities策划并执行各类线下活动,如路演、商业展会、促销等,确保活动顺利进行并达到预期效果,包括活动预算管理、场地选择、供应商协调等。利用本地资源网络,包括供应商、合作伙伴、社区组织、媒体关系等,支持和丰富线下活动,提高曝光度和参与度,降低成本。策划各种营销活动,包...
再上一级就是Principal Engineer-主任工程师,工程师的天花板了吧。所以从低到高:Associate Engineer-->...
Senior PR and Brand Communication Specialist Continental 中国 Marketing, Public Relations, Journalism, Communications or a related discipline Understand the tire...更多…… Associate or Senior Editor (Infrastructure Engineering and Industry), Nature Communications Springer Nature 上海市 全职 Senior Editor to...
resumeInventory Supervisor resumeSales Representative resumeMusician resumePublic Relations Specialist resumeContent Editor resumeContent Manager resumeEngagement skillsSales skillsPhotoshop skillsCollaborative skillsClient management skillsChronological resumeAts-templates-2024 resumeCreative resumeAll resume skillsAll ...
Intermediate/Senior Environmental Permitting Specialist 📑 Intermediate/Senior Environmental Permitting Specialist Minnow Environmental Inc. (Minnow), a Trinity Consultants Company, is a leader in environmental consulting services, providing aquatic, geoscientific, permitting, and environmental services to the mi...