📑 Are you the kind of person who could sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves? Do you find the idea of transforming the senior living industry with top-notch software as exciting as finding an extra fry at the bottom of the bag? If you're nodding yes while envisioning ...
这位移民加国多年的老教育家,在安省议员Dipika Damerla的帮助下,获得了延龄草基金会(ONTARIO TRILLIUM FOUNDATION)的资助,成立起这个全方位的文化中心,实现了他多年的夙愿。 为满足华人的需求,文化中心组织策划了一系列健康养生讲座、各种论谈、摄影书画展以及各种社会问题专题讨论等等,为社区华人创造了一个相互交流并能融...