Dear Jill, [The correspondent recently viewed the Met's Lucia,via the HD system reviewedby'sauthor and reviewer, Jill Norgren.Am I the only one who thinks that the photography of the most recent broadcast of the Met'sLuciawas was appalling? I was seasick after the first a...
cognitive congruency, use of domain specific expertise and social congruency). First the focus group responses were organized according to the question to which it is in response. Next, we coded the responses in accordance with the four factors ...
All personnel engaged in credit business review must have corresponding reviewer qualification, and the be combined organically. —— To establish the risk monitoring system and long-term mechanism featured by joint action and classified management regarding large loan customers to strengthen loan-related...
Dr. Martin is a regular reviewer for sixteen high impact pharmaceutical and analytical science journals, national funding bodies and international conference committees. Her contribution to the biological sciences has been recognised by the Royal Society of Biology with the award of Fellowship (FRSB) an...