This character-driven comedy chronicles the lives of staffers in an elder care facility, where they strive to provide the best possible care despite a lack of resources. With humor and heart, they display the dedication, compassion, and resilience necessary to navigate this demand...
What are the options in your area if you need to stop driving at some point? Finances - Do you have the income to cover your needs, including in-home care, if it becomes necessary? Health care - Do you live near the doctors and a hospital? How could you handle a medical problem on...
CNN’s Sara Sidner visits a makeshift morgue, where forensic experts, doctors and rabbis work to identify and lay to rest some of those killed in Hamas’ October 7 attack. 4:09 Why some ultra-Orthodox Jews are enlisting in the IDF Oct 30, 2023 CNN’s Sara Sidner meets one family...
Keywords: wearable sensors; physical activity; healthcare; insurance; older adults; activity trackers 1. Introduction Population ageing, and the related increase in chronic diseases, is having a major impact on the healthcare systems of most western countries, and will be having an even more ...