Type: Village Category: locality Location: Nyamazugo, Sengerema District Council, Mwanza, Tanzania, East Africa, Africa View on OpenStreetMapLatitude-2.55711° or 2° 33' 26" south Longitude32.54142° or 32° 32' 29" east Elevation1,201 metres (3,940 feet) Open Location Code6G9JCG...
from Sengerema District, an area of intensive pesticide usage in north-western Tanzania. Tropical Med Int Health. 2017;22:388-98.Philbert A, Lyantagaye SL, Pradel G, Ngwa CJ, Nkwengulila G. Pyrethroids and DDT tolerance of Anopheles gambiae s.l. from Sengerema District, an area of ...
TWB Group has been very much concerned with problems which affect girl students in their studies since then.Community needs assessment conducted showed that this is a Sengerema Community problem and there is a need of constructing girls' hostel to alleviate accommodation problem faced by girl ...
Omary S. Barriers and attitudes towards HIV Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) among Secondary School Pupils of Sengerema in Mwan . Official Publication of the Tanzania Medical Students’ Association . 2008; 15 (1) :20-23.Omary, S. (2008) Barriers and Attitudes towards HIV Voluntary ...
VBN is the research portal for Aalborg University and presents research and research activities of AAU.MonaLisa Dahms
The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of women who delivered at home and delivery practices of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) in the Sengerema District Northwest of Tanzania.Konje ETMagayane AMatovelo D
Seroprevalence in humans in Rufiji, Ilala, and Sengerema was 3.0% (n=225, 95% CI 0.01-0.06), 1.8% (n=230, 95% CI-0.005- 0.04), and 1.4% (n=209, 95% CI 0.01-0.04), respectively (P >0.05). Seroprevalence in animals in Sengerema, Rufiji, and Ilala was 12.1% (n=40, 95% ...
SengeremaTanzaniaobjective To assess the susceptibility status of malaria vectors to pyrethroids and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), characterise the mechanisms underlying resistance and evaluate the role of agro-chemical use in resistance selection among malaria vectors in Sengerema agro-ecosystem zone...
Knowledge Gain and Adoption among Farm Women through Interactive Multimedia in Kilosa and Sengerema Districts, TanzaniaNgowi, EdwinMwakalobo, AdamMathew, ColethaTanzania Journal of Development Studies
The Case of Sengerema District Council, Mwanza Region. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-Journal), Paper 1169, pp. 1-26.Mbangala, B. & Samzugi, A. 2014. The role of telecentres in Tanzania's rural development. A case study of Sengerema District Council, Mwanza Region. Library ...