很高兴地宣布,Ah Seng Durian和Keong Saik Bakery以及Flor联名的六款甜品都被我吃过了其中最最最推荐的是MSW Kueh Salat(上面榴莲,中间糯米,下面斑斓蛋糕)和MSW Tart,这两个会无限回购剩下的burnt cheese cake,shortcake,cakeroll,cruffin其实都非常好吃,但是跟我强推的两款比起来,就稍显普通了一点。cruffin其实也...
This study aimed to assess the pharmaceutical properties, specifically antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, of methanol extracts from both flowers and peels of the local durian in the district. Additionally, in vitro testing was conducted to evaluate the impact on cells and th...
DURIAN @Geylang Lorong 11 Singapore, Lee Ah Leng Bird Shop 141 Sims Avenue, Sunbeams Beverages, Amrise Hotel, 112 Sims Ave, 139 Sims Ave, Singapore 387461 Sims Avenue, Da Bao Lorong 15, Second Line Mobile Phone Shop @ 250 Geylang Lor 12 如何搭乘公共交...
Amid the sheer multitude of local coffee shops in Penang, Kek Seng Coffee Shop has been operating since 1903 and as of today, its quaint ambience and traditional wooden seats remain intact. They’re better known for their durian ice cream that wonderfully complements hefty meals such as chicken...
[246天前] 139*** 发表了西南县资讯 在槟城喝咖啡实在太危险了 [739天前] 最美的旅** 发表了西南县资讯 江浙沪 8大最适合赏萤火虫胜地 [791天前] anon** 发表了西南县资讯 #一站式度假酒店 想要周末出游/放松,绝对要来Bao Sheno Durian Farm 宝盛 [1630天前] 走呀六宝 发表了西南县资讯 快乐无限...
直线距离860m Warung Durian Pertelon Bagelen 直线距离1.2km 查看全部 Bagelen Bagelen 景点所属目的地 热门推荐 重点推荐 目的地 摩洛哥旅游菲律宾旅游马尼拉旅游奉化旅游安顺旅游赫尔辛基旅游舟山旅游仰光旅游长崎旅游泰国旅游重庆旅游成都旅游西安旅游丽水旅游苏州旅游 收藏 写点评,赢大奖...
Ah Seng Durian (Ghim Moh Outlet) 暂无评分 暂无点评 | 写点评 你也游览过这个商店吗?快来留下你精彩的点评吧 简介与点评 简介 还没有人介绍过这个商户,快来做它的第一个内容贡献者~ 欢迎投稿给我们 support@ctrip.com。 游友点评(0条点评) 写点评 0/5分 全部(0)◆ 很好(0) 好(0) 一般(...