Fig 20.6 One visible example of PCD in plants is seen in the ornamental plant Monstera deliciosa. The leaves of this plant exhibit deep indentations and hole in the lamina, which result from the programmed death of specific regions of tissue in the developing promordia. As the leaf expands,...
www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN received: 05 March 2016 accepted: 09 August 2016 Published: 07 September 2016 Increased phytotoxic O3 dose accelerates autumn senescence in an O3-sensitive beech forest even under the present-level O3 Mitsutoshi Kitao1,Yukio Yasuda2,Yuji Kominami3, ...
(Umenaet al.,2011).Inhigherplants,PSIIisalargepigment– proteinsupramolecularcomplex,whichcanbedividedinto thePSIIcorecomplexconservedinalloxygenicorganisms andtheplant-specificperipherallight-harvestingcomplexes (LHCII) (Hankamer et al., 1997). At the heart of the PSII core complex is the reaction ...
•Senescenceonlyoccursinolderorganortissue.Neworganortissuedevelopswhileoldonesaresenescing.•Greentrees。•衰老有其积极的生物学意义,不仅能使植物适应不良环境条件,而且对物种进化起重要作用。温带落叶树的叶片,在冬前全树叶片脱落,从而降低蒸腾作用,有利于安全越冬。通常植物 在衰老时,其营养器官中的物质...
Leaf senescence is a crucial biological and developmental process that significantly influences the lifespan of plants. Moreover, manipulation of this process can improve the economic value of Z. japonica by extending its greening period. In this study, we conducted a comparative...
However, further research is necessary to determine whether the fruits sprayed with SA are suitable for direct human consumption.Wang, HuiyingLi, YaweiWassie, MisganawHuo, LiyueShi, HaiyanPlants (2223-7747)
While senescence is induced by age, growth hormones and different environmental stresses, a highly organized genetic mechanism related to substantial changes in gene expression regulates the process. Only a few genes associated to senescence have been identified in crop plants despite the vital ...
WATER treatment plantsLEAF physiologySalt-sensitive trees in coastal wetlands are dying as forests transition to marsh and open water at a rapid pace. Forested wetlands are experiencing repeated saltwater exposure due to the frequency and severity of climatic events, sea-level rise, and human ...