Role of the circadian clock in fine-tuning the process of leaf senescence in plants Hyunmin Kim, Sunghyun Hong, in Translational Medicine of Aging, 2019 1 Introduction Aging is inevitable in most living organisms. Each species has a unique aging strategy. In plants, aging is associated with ag...
Define reproductive senescence. reproductive senescence synonyms, reproductive senescence pronunciation, reproductive senescence translation, English dictionary definition of reproductive senescence. adj. Of, relating to, or capable of reproduction: repr
Medawar PB: The definition and measurement of senescence. In: Wolstenholme GEW, Cameron MP, eds. Ciba Foundation Colloquia on Ageing: I. General Aspects. London: Churchill 1955; 4-15.Medawar, P. B. 1955 The definition and measurement of senescence. In CibaFoundatioCn olloquiaonageing,vol. 1...
senescence synchrony. The role of vernalisation in realising flowering synchrony between plants of different ages under natural conditions was demonstrated by synchronisation and de-synchronisation of flowering initiation in vernalisation-sensitive and less-vernalisation-sensitive accessions, respectively. We...
Long-standing controversy over the scientific use of the term ‘heavy metals’—Proposal of a comprehensive definition. Toxicol. Environ. Chem. 2018, 100, 6–19. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Briffa, J.; Sinagra, E.; Blundell, R. Heavy metal pollution in the environment and their ...
(DEGs). The results for gene expression profiles were evaluated using quantitative real-time PCR. A total of 2515 genes have homologous genes in other plants. The matched known-function SAGs are mainly involved in chlorophyll degradation and plant hormone response. A total of 539 differentially ...