Originally known as the Woman’s Rights Convention, the Seneca Falls Convention fought for the social, civil and religious rights of women. The meeting was held from July 19 to 20, 1848 at the Wesleyan Chapel in Seneca Falls,New York. ...
She had heard about the Seneca Falls Convention, of course; her parents and sister had attended the 1848 Rochester meeting. Initially, however, she deemed its goals of secondary importance to temperance and anti-slavery. All that changed in 1851 when she met Cady Stanton, with whom she formed...
The roots of the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention, the first women's rights convention in history, go back to 1840, whenLucretia MottandElizabeth Cady Stantonwere attending the World's Anti-Slavery Convention in London as delegates, as were their husbands. The credentials committee ruled t...
In July of 1848, theSeneca Falls Convention, the first women’s rights convention ever to be held in the United States was held in Seneca Falls, New York. That convention would change the course of history for women's rights, including being the foundation of the fight for women to be g...
Women’s Rights Convention. – This convention assembled at Seneca Falls, on the 19thinst. The meeting on the first day was only accessible to females, who drew up and signed a “Declaration of Sentiments,” which reads as follows:-
The Declaration of Sentiments was read by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, then each paragraph was read, discussed, and sometimes slightly modified during the first day of the Convention when only women had been invited and the few men present anyway were asked to be silent. The women decided to put ...
Eight years later, the two friends were the driving force behind the Seneca Falls Convention. Hastily organized and little publicized, this first Woman's Rights Convention was the start of the movement that would ultimately revolutionize the social, legal, economic, and political lives of American ...
In July of 1848, theSeneca Falls Convention, the first women’s rights convention ever to be held in the United States was held in Seneca Falls, New York. That convention would change the course of history for women's rights, including being the foundation of the fight for women to be ...
Ladies and gentlemen, when invited some weeks ago to address you I proposed to a gentleman of this village to review our report of the Seneca Falls convention and give his objections to our Declaration, resolutions and p...
July20,1848:TheSenecaFallsConvention callsforequalcivilandpoliticalrightsfor women MainPoint3 •Womenhavetherighttorefuseallegianceto theirgovernmentandinsistuponthe institutionofanewgovernment. •“Wheneveranyformofgovernmentbecomes destructiveoftheseends,itistherightofthose whosufferfromittorefuseallegiancetoit...