但是,在大多数联网的Unix/Linux主机中,Sendmail使用默认配置即可完成向外界发送邮件的功能。大大方便了系统管理员。下面将通过系统默认配置的Sendmail讲述SMTPcommand命令。 在这一节中,将引进一个新词“只发不收”。说白了就是有这么一种服务器。发件人通过它发出去的邮件,收件人无法通过“回复”功能回复邮件。即便...
但是,在大多数联网的Unix/Linux主机中,Sendmail使用默认配置即可完成向外界发送邮件的功能。大大方便了系统管理员。下面将通过系统默认配置的Sendmail讲述SMTPcommand命令。 在这一节中,将引进一个新词“只发不收”。说白了就是有这么一种服务器。发件人通过它发出去的邮件,收件人无法通过“回复”功能回复邮件。即便回...
This configuration file is used when thesendmailcommand runs as mail server daemon in the MTA mode. By default, thesendmail.cffile uses the mail queue in the/var/spool/mqueuedirectory. On system boot, thesendmailMTA daemon is started in the/etc/rc.tcpipdirectory by default. To manually star...
You can test if you have support for SASL installed by running the command 'sendmail -bt -d0.1 < /dev/null' and you should see 'SASLv2' listed in the results. If you are unable to install the additional SASL support for Sendmail, the alternative is to install a different MTA such as...
/etc/mail/sendmail.cf 配置文件和 /etc/mail/submit.cf 配置文件包含 sendmail command.These 文件包含诸如主机名和域以及 sendmail 规则集之类的信息。 配置文件会执行以下功能: 存储有关正在运行的邮件程序类型的信息。 定义发送邮件 命令如何重写消息中的地址。 定义发送邮件 命令在以下环境中的运行方式: 本地邮...
Selection Command --- + 1 /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix * 2 /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail Enter to keep the current selection[+], or type selection number: 2 输入2后回车即把MTA功能切换到sendmail上,+号会显示在sendmail的行头。 四. 配置sendmail vi /etc/mail/sendmail.mc DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp...
okay, I have done little change in code, and It worked when I gave OpenSSL command with base64. declare -a ATTACH ATTACH="TEST.pdf" ( echo "To: user1@domain.com"; echo "Cc: user2@domain.com"; echo "Subject: Example Subject"; echo "MIME-Version: 1.0"; echo "Con...
1.3.12. /etc/mail/helple This is the help le used by the SMTP HELP command. It should be copied from send- mail/helple: cp sendmail/helple /etc/mail/helple The actual path of this le is dened in the HelpFile option of the sendmail.cf le. 1.3.13...