1.如果 dwFlags 包含MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL,则mouseData表明指定滚轮移动量。正值表示滚轮向前旋转;负值表示滚轮向后旋转 2.如果 dwFlags 包含MOUSEEVENTF_XDOWN或MOUSEEVENTF_XUP,则 mouseData 指定按下或释放了哪些 X 按钮。此值可以是以下的任意组合 XBUTTON1=0x0001 第一个 X 按钮 XBUTTON2=0x0002 第二个 X 按钮*...
Control Mouse position and Generate click from program C# WinForms (Aim-> control PC from Serial port/USB HID) Controls created on one thread cannot be parented to a control on a different thread Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string Conversion from C# to Python convers...
const int MouseEvent_Absolute = 0x8000; const int MouserEvent_Hwheel = 0x01000; const int MouseEvent_Move = 0x0001; const int MouseEvent_Move_noCoalesce = 0x2000; const int MouseEvent_LeftDown = 0x0002; const int MouseEvent_LeftUp = 0x0004; const int MouseEvent_MiddleDown = 0x0020; c...
使用合适的输入模拟函数:除了SendInput函数,还可以尝试使用其他输入模拟函数,例如mouse_event函数或SetCursorPos函数,看是否能够解决延迟和冻结问题。 优化代码逻辑:检查程序代码,确保正确处理输入事件的顺序和错误处理机制。可以使用多线程或异步编程来提高程序的响应性能。 调整输入模拟参数:可以尝试调整SendInput函数的参数,例...
KeyUp = 0x0002, KeyDown = 0x0000, ExtendedKey = 0x0001 } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct MouseInput { public int dx; public int dy; public uint mouseData; public uint dwFlags; public uint time; public IntPtr dwExtraInfo; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct KeyboardIn...
Click 中,我们模拟了鼠标左键按下和抬起的事件。在 btnDrag_Click 中,我们模拟了鼠标的拖拽事件。
// If the calling thread and the thread that owns the window are attached to different input ...
Control Mouse position and Generate click from program C# WinForms (Aim-> control PC from Serial port/USB HID) Controls created on one thread cannot be parented to a control on a different thread Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string Conversion from C# to Python convers...