A machine that can be located practically anywhere and which allows sending ordinary letters, registered mail and courier service packages except parcels. The machine dispenses preprinted envelopes and prints colorful stamps on the envelopes. The envelopes will also be used as support for preprinted ...
All books must be shipped from a leading book provider. We highly recommend Amazon because they have a great reputation and their packages are most likely to be accepted by the prison staff. Don’t try and save money sending used books to an inmate as they will not be accepted. It has ...
16. to put into a case, trunk, etc., as for traveling or storage: to pack clothes for a trip. 17. to press or crowd together within; cram: The crowd packed the gallery. 18. to prepare for marketing by putting into packages. 19. to make airtight, vaportight, or watertight by stu...
I need to create a folder on client machines in the c drive (Folder name: Spanish Games) which I then deploy a bunch of files to this folder I create I have had a look and seems like I need to create a win32 app container with all in, script and files. What wo...
Original error: 'POST /element' cannot be proxied to UiAutomator2 server because the instrumentation process is not running (probably crashed). Check the server log and/or the logcat output for more details E at UIA2Proxy.command (/mnt/sauce/appium/appium-v2.0.0/packages/base-driver/lib/...
A machine that can be located practically anywhere and which allows sending ordinary letters, registered mail and courier service packages except parcels. The machine dispenses preprinted envelopes and prints colorful stamps on the envelopes. The envelopes will also be used as support for preprinted ...