1. Subject must include the followingwording: PO Invoice or Non PO Invoice or OTHER2. File format: PDF (acrobat reader 8compliant) or TIFF (tiff group 4 black and white)3. Maximum size of the email: 8 MB4. One attachment per email; invoicewith multiple pages must be sent as a ...
We need to include Estimate in the Email subject line (example: Quote [Estimate No.] from Triple J|Triple J|Triple J) to avoid the error message. Also, you are on the right track when listing your Industry type during setup. You can follow the steps ...
Now let’s go back to our manager/assistant example and consider the scenario where the manager requires the assistant to send email messages on their behalf, making sure that the recipient knows that the assistant has indeed sent the message on behalf of the manager. To achieve this, Outlook...