Send at scale with SendGrid’s trusted email API and marketing campaigns platform, delivering 148+ billion emails for senders like you every month.
Engage your customers with multichannel messaging. With SendGrid and Twilio, you can reach customers with email and SMS, WhatsApp, video, and more—start today.
Twilio获取传入的SMS消息(无webhook) 用于验证传入Twilio请求的装饰器 集成springmvc和sendgrid? Twilio允许人们免费向twilio账户发送短信吗? 页面内容是否对你有帮助? 有帮助 没帮助 相关·内容 文章(0) 问答(1020) 视频(0) 沙龙(0) 没有搜到相关的文章 ...
您可以在“Settings”→“Two-Factor Authentication”下执行此操作。 他们为您提供了两种选择:Authy App(推荐)或短信(SMS)。 SendGrid两因子身份验证 第3步 接下来,您需要生成您的SendGrid API密钥。点击进入“Settings”→“API Keys”。然后单击“Create API Key”。 SendGrid创建API密钥 第4步 为您的API取一...
Send at scale with SendGrid’s trusted email API and marketing campaigns platform, delivering 148+ billion emails for senders like you every month.
在上图界面选择 +86 中国,然后输入你真实可用的手机号码,点击【Send code via SMS】,然后你将收到短信验证码: 在上图界面输入验证码,点击【Verify】按钮,出现下图界面,说明验证成功! 请务必复制保存上面的【恢复码】,如果你的手机不能接受到验证码,需要这个恢复码找回登录 点击上面的【Continue】按钮,进入到下图...
Send at scale with SendGrid’s trusted email API and marketing campaigns platform, delivering 148+ billion emails for senders like you every month.
Send at scale with SendGrid’s trusted email API and marketing campaigns platform, delivering 148+ billion emails for senders like you every month.
Send at scale with SendGrid’s trusted email API and marketing campaigns platform, delivering 148+ billion emails for senders like you every month.
Send at scale with SendGrid’s trusted email API and marketing campaigns platform, delivering 148+ billion emails for senders like you every month.