{ "email": "my2@email.com" } ] } ], "from": { "email": "info@somewhere.com" }, "subject": "Testing sending emails via SendgridAPI", "content": [ { "type": "text/html", "value": "Test API Email From ME" } ] } EOF ...
NewEmail("Example User", "test@example.com") plainTextContent := "and easy to do anywhere, even with Go" htmlContent := "<strong>and easy to do anywhere, even with Go</strong>" message := mail.NewSingleEmail(from, subject, to, plainTextContent, htmlContent) client := sendgrid.New...
param=value" # 这里的链接可以是动态生成的 from_email = Email("sender@example.com") to_email = To("recipient@example.com") subject = "您的邮件主题" content = Content("text/html", f'<a href="{dynamic_link}">点击这里</a>') mail = Mail(from_email, to_email, subject, con...
funchelloEmail() []byte{ address:="test@example.com" name:="Example User" from:=mail.NewEmail(name,address) subject:="Hello World from the SendGrid Go Library" address="test@example.com" name="Example User" to:=mail.NewEmail(name,address) ...
import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.header import Header def send_via_smpt(): from_addr = "test@example.com" to_addr = "test@example.com" password = SENDGRID_API_KEY ="YOUR_API_KEY_VALUE" smtp_server = "smtp.sendgrid.net" username = "apikey" subject = ...
NewEmail("Example User", "test@example.com") plainTextContent := "and easy to do anywhere, even with Go" htmlContent := "<strong>and easy to do anywhere, even with Go</strong>" message := mail.NewSingleEmail(from, subject, to, plainTextContent, htmlContent) client := sendgrid.New...
NewEmail("Example User", "test@example.com") plainTextContent := "and easy to do anywhere, even with Go" htmlContent := "<strong>and easy to do anywhere, even with Go</strong>" message := mail.NewSingleEmail(from, subject, to, plainTextContent, htmlContent) client := sendgrid.New...
NewEmail("Example User", "test@example.com") plainTextContent := "and easy to do anywhere, even with Go" htmlContent := "<strong>and easy to do anywhere, even with Go</strong>" message := mail.NewSingleEmail(from, subject, to, plainTextContent, htmlContent) client := sendgrid.New...
NewEmail("Example User", "test@example.com") plainTextContent := "and easy to do anywhere, even with Go" htmlContent := "<strong>and easy to do anywhere, even with Go</strong>" message := mail.NewSingleEmail(from, subject, to, plainTextContent, htmlContent) client := sendgrid.New...