Head office: 3-11-1 Akedori, Izumi-ku,Sendai-shi, Miyagi TANAKA and MEMS CORE Conclude Joint Development Agreement and Commit to Technology Alliance Work has already begun to restore operations at branches that were hit relatively hard, including the Tohoku Branch (Sendai-shi, Miyagi Prefecture)...
現在電話によるご来店予約、お取り置きを承っておりません。 予めご了承ください。 Boutique Cartier Sendai FujisakiSendai-shi 11:00 AM-7:00 PM Book an Appointment Address Ichibancho Hall 1F, 2F Aoba-ku Ichibancho 3-4-1 Sendai-shiMiyagi ...
探索并选择在 Sendai-shi 中已审核的最优质易手车 296 GTS ,与您附近的法拉利官方经销商取得联系。
Ideal, Nanakita Sasa, Izumi-ku 29-1, Sendai-shi, 981-3131, JP https://sendai.ferraridealers.com/ja-JP/ 开放时间 星期一10:00 - 12:00 / 12:00 - 19:00 星期二关闭 星期三 - 星期日10:00 - 12:00 / 12:00 - 19:00 经销商库存 查询 正品配件 装备 冬季轮胎, Michelin 前轮胎,...
SENDAI-shi (Miyagi-ken, Japan)TERRACINGRIVER channelsGEOLOGICAL surveysURANIUM-lead datingEARTHQUAKESTHRUST faults (Geology)VOLCANOESWe conducted a detailed geological survey of the Sendai region, covering an area of 100 脳 50 km. Our survey focused on accurately mapping river terraces, identifying the...
3-4-9 Nakano, Miyagino-ku, Sendai-shi, Sendai, Sendai, Japan, 983-0013-See map Dormy Inn Express Sendai Seaside Hot Springs offers a perfect blend of vibrant city life and serene nature in the heart of Sendai. Ideal for two travelers, the hotel features 24-hour room service and a lux...
2-1-1 Chuo, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, 仙台, 仙台, 日本, 980-0021-查看地圖&週邊景點 探索充滿活力的仙台市,這裡以其歷史古蹟、傳統節日和風景如畫的風景而聞名,所有這些都位於仙台站前里士滿酒店附近。享受舒適的客房內保險箱、冰箱、淋浴、電視和毛絨玩具毛巾,適合兩位旅客入住。升級您的住宿,並在部分客房欣賞...
宫城县仙台宫城野区5-6-51 Tsutsujigaoka, Miyagino-Ku, Sendai-Shi, Miyagi 983-0852, Japan, 983-0852显示地图 开业:1997不论是商务还是休闲旅客,仙台米尔派克酒店都能让您的仙台之行变得更加美好而难忘。酒店距离JR榴冈站仅有300m。在该地区观光很容易,林香院、洞林寺和Kosho-ji Temple都在酒店附近。查...
宫城县仙台宫城野区5-6-51 Tsutsujigaoka, Miyagino-Ku, Sendai-Shi, Miyagi 983-0852, Japan, 983-0852显示地图 开业:1997不论是商务还是休闲旅客,仙台米尔派克酒店都能让您的仙台之行变得更加美好而难忘。酒店距离JR榴冈站仅有300m。在该地区观光很容易,林香院、洞林寺和Kosho-ji Temple都在酒店附近。查...