Send-MailMessage from powershell Send-MailMessage -to "z01<>" -from "z01<>" -subject "Test Mail" -SmtpServer owa.hold. -credential hold\z01 说明 --- 此命令将 User01 的电子邮件发送给 User02。 该电子邮件有主题,但没有正文,主题是必需的,正文是可选的。此外,由...
在powershell中我们可以使用Send-MailMessage发送邮件,一般都是有这个命令的 笔者的总结是鉴于公司的环境的,大家在借鉴时,需要根据自己的实际情况进行修改 1、你笔者测试的格式如下(对于一封邮件来说,至少是需要有Subject的,也即是主题) 、另smtp服务器是必须要指定的: Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer""-to"y...
对于管理员来说需要经常测试线上系统的服务运行状态,powershell的send-mailmessage命令是运用比较频繁的,命令如下: 1、Send-MailMessage -From -To "" -Subject "test" -Credential "" -SmtpServer -Port 587 2、发送中文字符...
cls;functionSend-EasyEmail([String]$subject,[String]$body){#设置基本信息$from=""$to=''$SMTPServer=""#创建email对象$SMTPClient= New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SMTPServer,25)#使用 ssl协议$SMTPClient.EnableSsl=$true$SMTPClient.Credentials =New-Object Sy...
PowerShell Send-MailMessage[-Attachments <String[]>] [-Bcc <String[]>] [[-Body] <String>] [-BodyAsHtml] [-Encoding <Encoding>] [-Cc <String[]>] [-DeliveryNotificationOption <DeliveryNotificationOptions>]-From<String> [[-SmtpServer] <String>] [-Priority <MailPriority>] [-ReplyTo <St...
Applies To: Windows PowerShell 2.0 Sends an e-mail message. Syntax Copy Send-MailMessage [-To] <string[]> [-Subject] <string> [[-Body] <string>] [[-SmtpServer] <string>] -From <string> [-Attachments <string[]>] [-Bcc <string[]>] [-BodyAsHtml] [-Cc <string[]>] [-Credentia...
对于Exchange管理员来说会经常测试线上系统的服务运行状态,powershell的send-mailmessage命令是运用比较频繁的,但是如果在用此命令编写脚本的时候会经常遇到发送中文邮件主题或内容的时候出现乱码。比如以下命令,邮件主题是一个中文字符。 1 Send-MailMessage-from""-to""-Subject"测试...
"Unable to process the request due to an internal error" After AD Upgrade "WITH" Keyword In Powershell? “The security identifier is not allowed to be the owner of this object” (Beginner) Powershell - getting machine names from a text file and run queries, functions and conditions (Except...
Hi, i'm trying to create some automated emails through powershell but am coming across some issues. After running the below command i'm receiving this error: Send-MailMessage : Unable to connect to the remote server Send-MailMessage -To -Subject "test subject" -From My...
Finally, I’ll just go ahead and use the TaskScheduler module from PowerShellPack to make sure the email arrives every day. To do this, I’ll need to download the PowerShellPack to the machine I’ll be scheduling the task on. Scheduling a task with th...