用桌面或移动浏览器访问http://amazon.com/myk,登录亚马逊账户后即可进入“管理我的内容和设备”页面,点击【设备】选项卡, 然后点击“亚马逊设备”下的 Kindle 设备组,在列表中选中你的 Kindle 设备,就可以在“设备摘要”中看到后缀为@kindle.com的 Kindle 邮箱。在这里点击邮箱后面的“编辑”可以自定义 @ 前的邮...
写在前面: Kindle退出中国区服务后,对使用没啥影响;搭配Z-library,基本想要的功能都能实现。 最早我经常通过USB数据线传输,现在试了试Send to Kindle服务,通过这个路径上传的书籍,能实现多端同步,挺好的,遂记录下。 —— USB传输特点: 支持mobi、azw3格式(顺带一提,Amazon官方发邮件提示mobi格式已过时) 但不支...
选择在你的Kindle库中存档内容,你可以在任何时候方便地重新下载它。 使用方法 安装完成自动弹出登录框,登录你的Amazon账户,点击Register,注册登录完成,关掉登陆成功窗口。 第五步:选择要上传的本地文件,点击右键,菜单中选择Send to Kindle,Title和Author自己写,国内用户Deliver via选择Wi-Fi,这个不花钱,Deliver to选择...
Amazon昨天在官网上宣布推出网页版“Send to Kindle”按钮。网站开发者和博客作者可以将按钮直接嵌入自己的网站或者博客。通过“Send to Kindle”按钮,用户可以把网页上的内容,往往是一篇文章或博客,推送到自己的 Kindle 上面去。 Amazon昨天在官网上宣布推出网页版“Send to Kindle”按钮。网站开发者和博客作者可以将按...
Send to Kindle Send once, read anywhere File Upload Sign in to send files to your Kindle libraryOr to specific devices linked to your account By using Send to Kindle, you agree to the termshere. Supported File Types:PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF, HTM, HTML, PNG, GIF, JPG, JPEG, BMP,...
Send books to devices registered to your account. To send a book to your Kindle e-reader manually: Log in to the account you used to purchase your book. On theContenttab of theManage Your Content and Devices, selectBooksfrom the drop down. ...
Send to Kindle Send once, read anywhere File Upload Sign in to send files to your Kindle libraryOr to specific devices linked to your account By using Send to Kindle, you agree to the termshere. Supported File Types:PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF, HTM, HTML, PNG, GIF, JPG, JPEG, BMP,...
1. Convert eBooks to mobi/pdf/epub/azw3 for reading anywhere 2. Remove DRM from eBooks purchased from Amazon Kindle, Kobo, Google Play and more 3. Automatically detect device and load books 4. Edit metadata, including title, author, publisher, introduction and the book cover. Detailed Guide...
Getting a non-Amazon book onto a Kindle used to involve attaching it to an email and sending it to your individual Kindle email address. However, Amazon’s Send to Kindle service is now a simple process.
Send to Kindle Send once, read anywhere File Upload Sign in to send files to your Kindle libraryOr to specific devices linked to your account By using Send to Kindle, you agree to the termshere. Supported File Types:PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF, HTM, HTML, PNG, GIF, JPG, JPEG, BMP,...