重装电脑后,send to kindle 注册时,总是出现network error occurred,在amazon的官网盯着英文看了好久,发现目前有两个解决办法: 1. 先关闭注册窗口,打开ie浏览器(一定要是ie浏览器),输入 https://firs-ta-g7g.amazon.com, 2. 这时候ie出现:无法找到该网页) 3. 不用管它,这时候随便选择一个文件(pdf,doc,...
,可以接受有偿帮助,请大佬们喝瓶水 分享185 kindle吧 AOUESghjgf 求助想将一些长文章发送到kindle上看。这个该如何解决? 分享1赞 kindle吧 maweihao999 【教程】Send to Kindle,推送之魅半夜发,没人插~~~ 本文大概地总结了Kindle推送的各种方式并辅以详细的介绍,和贴吧已有的推送教程贴相比本 帖更有利于新手的...
Now Amazon has web pages up that allow documents to be sent via drag & drop without using email. It will be the easiest method to send files to Kindle.
Click and expand the topic that best matches your scenario below. I want to send my updated eBook to customers who previously purchased it. I want to send the updated version of my eBook to myself. Make more money and reach more readers through Kindle Unlimited. Learn More Total KDP Se...
$mailBody .= $issue->code ." ". $issue->name ." ¥". number_format($issue->unit * $issue->price_up_to_date) .' http://stocks.finance.yahoo.co.jp/stocks/chart/?code='. $issue->code ."&ct=z&t=1y&q=c&l=off&z=m&p=s,m75,m25&a=v\n"; ...